Tonight I had the honor of attending the cheer leading banquet. I have worked with these girls alot this year. I have to tell you that some people wouldn't consider cheer leading a sport. I'm going to tell you different. These girls work their tail off. These girls sacrifice. They give up 12 months out of their lives every year they are apart of it. They run, they lift, they sweat, they cry, they laugh, they are athletes. I'm a little bit biased to Morgan because she is my niece and well I always call her buns of steal let me that girl has muscles. I've joked before that she has more muscles than some of our boys on the football team. Anyways that is off topic... These 9 girls are absolutely awesome they didn't quit, they didn't give up, through the hard times they are the last ones standing. Raven, Caitlin, Nichole, Keirstin, Tiffany, Morgan, Jessica, Renea, Autumn you are the last ones standing you have what it takes! You girls are awesome I hope you enjoyed your slide show. I hope you enjoyed your year! Love you girls.