Logan has been coming here since he was in his momma's belly. It's already been a year. Yesterday he turned one! He was all over the place and wanted everywhere but here. But we finally got some good ones. He was having lots of fun eating this cake. Logan I'm going to miss seeing your cute little face every 3 months and listening to your momma sing you the frog song. Have fun on your party Saturday!
Ayla came in for her senior pictures today. She comes in acting shy but that changed quickly! She is a great model and has gorgeous eyes! Thanks for coming in I hope you like your pictures! They will be up soon.
Meet Tori a senior from Tonkawa. She should be a model! She makes a great one. I had a great time photographing her she rawked the camera. She definately got me out of my funk! Sometimes after winter and having to be in the studio all the time you just get bored! But I'm glad its spring and can get out and get more shots like this.
We had to lock mom outside! But we got some pictures of Bree & Grant it did take Masie bribing them with the park and a surprise but it got the job done! They remind me so much of their dad! Thanks for coming in.
This Easter I was at the First Assembly of God Church shooting family pictures for those that attended church that day. The weather wasn't the greatest but I still shot just over 70 families in less than 2 hours. Last year it was at the high school auditorium and it was so much nicer and not as packed. This year it was at the middle school gym and I just barely had enough room to work. But for the most part everything went great. Here is the pastors picture. Thank you again for having me.
Today was a beautiful day perfect for senior pictures! Ian came over from Ponca City to get his pictures taken today it was nice of course the Oklahoma wind did have to blow but it was very little. Ian will go on to college at NOC. Here are a few from his session.
Wow I had the chance to get away for 4 days! I went to a Photography Convention over by Tulsa. It was awesome to reunite with almost 100 photographers meeting old faces and new. I met some amazing people with some rockin talent! It wasn't just to have fun though I did learn alot. We had a photobooth that was so much fun and yes we acted stupid and crazy! Here are a few of the models that I shot while I was there.