Anna & Evan you have seen them before on here but last time they were with alot of cousins. Anna is such a cute, smart and sweet girl! She did a great job and I'm very pleased to know that she has a beautiful smile. She built a crayon tower or castle or something while she was waiting for her turn. She did a great job. Evan what a little ham!!!!! He came in and I went over to see him and he immediately started smiling. He is to cute for words! Evan made all kinds of faces at me it was pretty funny. He has half smiles, 1 millasecond smiles, he has some frowns and those to cute little looks. It was such fun with Anna & Evan!! Thanks for coming in! We even got mom and grandma in!
Cash came into the studio today for his first portraits. He is so cute!!! He was an amazing. He has a proud big brother. Michelle and Jay congratulations on your newest addition to your family!
It's amazing how fast kids grow up. Jaedon is 15 and growing up. I've known him for a long time and he is a such a quiet one. Hope you had a good birthday.
The Eakins Family came all the way from Texas to have their picture taken. No not really but they were visiting a family that I take their family portraits and children and really like what they had in their home so they called me up Monday morning and they came in about 2 hours later. They have a great family and I enjoyed meeting them. Thanks Kim for sending them in. Here are a few from their session.
Jackson and Carly came in today for some new portraits. Carly came in such a great mood. She smiled and smiled until we put her in a tutu and she didn't like it! I'm sure it was itchy but we still got a few. Jackson came in at first he was trying to play shy but then he took pictures like he has never done before. Normally it's not easy getting him to smile but today he was great! When he left he gave me not just one hug but two hugs!! Maybe I made a new friend? Here are a few from the session and the rest of the session is already posted!
Today I got two great things in one! I got to meet the beautiful sweet new baby Madilyn and Laura brought me some delicious cookies. Madilyn so small and so sweet was adorable. She smiled so much I had never seen a baby do this while I was taking her pictures but she would just smile and wiggle it was simply sweet. Here are a few from her session. Thank you so much Jennifer and Casey for allowing me to take your daughters first portraits congratulations on such a beautiful baby.