Well it's homecoming week so that means lots of chaos and stress on some. For me it just means going and going and not knowing which way I'm going next. So my week.
Today it started the craziness. I was in and out of the office all day long! Answering phone calls dealing with telemarketers and the yellowpage people! I have seriously told yellow pages, super pages, something else pages I'm not interested but they will call me again and again and if I don't answer they will call back until I do. So if you work for the yellow pages take my name off I am seriously not interested. Ok enough about the crazy telemarketers that can't speak English and can't understand it either. So I'm running around paying bills you know those outrageous electric bills one word ridiculous! Hey it's 3:30 I realize hey I have gotten NOTHING done today but run around. Then it hit I booked little league football, 2 seniors, 1 family. It's time to pack up and go home although nothing was accomplished today at all. Head to get my kids from my parents house but stop at my sisters house. Talk to Megan and Nick while my sister is busy on the phone yacking about who knows what while she is cooking none other than Sauerkraut and weineers! YUCK! Note to self never make my kids eat that! Finally she is off the phone! Thanks sis I love you but your kraut still stinks! Finally off to get the kids we are heading to the ball game. Wait and wait and wait for my kraut sister to get there so she can tell me what number I'm looking for finally after waiting on Mr & Mrs Pokey we have it! Go #25 ok Austin! He was going alright he is such a good kid and an athlete! So I'm out taking pictures getting talked to by all these parents book a senior session woohoo! Talk to another parent about senior pictures double woohoo! 8:30 Pizza Hut here we come. Finally 9:15 I'm home! It's now midnight and tomorrow is really the only slow day I have.
Now for the rest of the week. 2 softball games, bags of candy ready, sign finished, window painted, clean, rearrange, family pictures, kids session, homecoming assembly, homecoming parade, royalty pics, class reunion pics, senior session on Saturday and Sunday, sometime in between all that I need a nap. So until next time goodbye..