So here is the smallest Mr H. He is quite the character I tell you. First we played 100 questions I hope I gave him the answers he was looking for! I still don't think he was to sure of it.

He is thinking what is my mom making me do and who is this crazy lady! What do you think? So as we continued the session after one shot he was done so he thought he would take off running! That's just your average little child! It was funny. He kept saying "Am I done?" I think I might have been boring him.

No really this is the way he can smile or that's what he told me. He was so cute.
Remember the am I done thing and then the running we decided people need to wear hard hats around here!! The lights went down however they were safe! Mom's heart dropped really they are fine! But next time come in with your hard hat!

Now down to business we had to get some family pictures. I think that was my favorite!

It was a pleasure your proofs will be soon enjoy them... And well for now

that's all folks. Until next time.
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