
Jordan Brown...Senior

Jordan or Jo as most know him came in for his senior pictures today. He was an awesome sport for sure. So I call his mother and she tells me that we can't start at the original place we were going to. So we change our plans. Head over and do some pictures by the lake finish up there go to the mansion. So far we have had a good time. We have really laughed and laughed. Picture taking wasn't so bad. Or so we thought. I have to tell this well because I've known his mom for a long time and well its just funny. Jo was saying so do we need the letter jacket to in this one. We didn't want to forget any right. It was funny you probably just had to be there. Well we head over to the track and I have taken many pictures here before well today was a different story. I took a picture and then you see this railroad truck coming over to us yes we were busted. The guy came up and we said we are leaving. He asked if we got the picture or not and I said no not really but we will leave. So he stays there lets us take the picture and then tells us that we can go to the depot and take some more on this engine they have over there. So we drive over there and take some pictures there. The mean guy who was young maybe younger than me and funny just had to go and make fun of my toes. Ok my toes are long but come on do you really have to announce it to the public while I'm trying to work. So I try not to laugh to much my face I'm sure was red as could be. I'm hiding behind Kris because I'm dieing of embarrassment. So once we are finished there we are done well for now.. Jo gets to do a few more things in the next couple of weeks. I had asked him to be a senior representative and that he made a fine one. He was a good sport. Thanks Jo you did awesome flowers, letter jacket, and everything else!

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