This cute little sweetheart came in for her 4 year pictures. She was so shy at first but she warmed up quickly. She likes dance and wanted to keep posing with her dance move.
Brody was absolutely so much fun to photograph. The boy has a million different faces and noises. He is adorable. He likes to dance. He was so cute I was laughing so much because of the cute faces. He definately loves his dad making noises at him. It was a great session more are posted in his gallery have a look. You'll be seeing more of him he is on my baby plan.
I love it when you have happy families and kids! This shoot was a breeze! Happy baby happy kids makes happy parents! Thanks so much for coming in Jona you have a beautiful family.
With the newest addition to the family it was time for new family pictures. Little "R" is a great big brother who loves to kiss his new little brother "P". Little "P" smiled so big for me you don't get that often. I hope that you enjoy your pictures. Thanks for coming in.
Yesterday Jackson and his little sister came in for some pictures. Carly is growing so fast. She is so cute. Jackson is a handsome lil hunk his curls are just to cute! Here are a couple from their session to see more go to their gallery. Thanks for coming in hope you enjoy them.
Kristen and her daughters came in for some fun and different pictures. Her girls are so adorable! The oldest if you give her a mirror she is full of poses for sure! Thanks so much for coming in. Check out there gallery for more but for now here is a preview!
Trayton was a great little model. He is adorable cute and so very sweet! You just want to squeeze him. His mom said we could do anything and so I just went crazy! He looks like his uncle Derek! Congratulations on your little boy he is definately a cutie!