The Snow Glenny Memorial Tournament is always memorable. This year was the 6th annual tournament. As I was talking to Jill and Mendy I really had a hard time to just not break down and cry. Ladies I want you to know how thankful I am to be part of such a big thing. I can't say thank you enough. I love doing it and it means the world to me to be asked to be there. Thank you! You are amazing ladies.
This year the opening ceremonies began on Thursday the national anthem was sang by Blackwell's own Autumn Circle and Clint Schultz, they did an outstanding job. The first pitch was thrown by Kinzee to her big brother Cody and from Tobyn to his big sister Hollie.
Standing in the dugouts listening to these boys yell, cheer, get mad or whatever they are doing is quite an experience. However this year I met one boy he stood out to me #10 Ark City Outlaws. I have never seen a team leader like this boy. He gets them fired up. He encourages. He leads. I'm not sure what his plans are in his life at age 12. But I definately see him coaching sometime in the future. I wish we seen more of this! Our kids need encouragement and more positive thoughts.
One thing funny about taking the shots I take I see alot of different expressions but about 85% of the boys stick their tongues out when catching the ball, throwing the ball and hitting the ball.
If you didn't know already action shots are available online. I'll see you again next year.
Snow Glenny Tournament

In loving memory of Garren Glenny and Taylor Snow. "For the Love of the Game"
You will always be in our hearts.