Well I just thought last week was crazy. This week has been even worse! I don't know which way I'm going these days. My laptop crashed and that has slowed down my work flow and to tell you the truth I'm just really going nuts without! After using a laptop for so long then switching to a desktop talk about change! I know why I switched in the first place these things are just way to slow. So if you are wondering where your pictures are they are coming! Slowly but surely!!
So Cecilia, Class of 72, Morgan, Austin, Deadra, Kim & girls, football players your pictures are coming soon!!!!! I promise!!! Things will hopefully be fixed by Monday! I hope they are worth the wait!
Well I'm off to a softball tournament!!!!!!!!!! Have a great weekend! I'll be updating the blog sometime this weekend to if I have a chance! Free time has become limited or none at all!