My 4th weekend was suppose to be my vacation weekend however I ended up working! On Friday I took pictures for a local company for there magazine publishing. Then we enjoyed the outstand fireworks show! I have to say that this years fireworks were great compared to past years! At 4am we headed to pick up 2 of my kids at Turner Falls. Then we went to the Sam Noble musuem in Norman if you haven't been there we really enjoyed it. Then we were off for some pizza at Incredibles it was alright but I don't think we will go back. Then off to Bricktown. It was so hot I could smell all of us idiots standing in line 3 hours early we all smelled like a wrestling room or something I definately wasn't sure that day. We waited in line forever finally 5:32 they opened the gate. We each got our Mickey Mantle Statue and headed to find our seats just to find some baseball card collector was sitting in my seat. Ok I'm drenched in sweat and this fellow who doesn't have a ticket is in my seat get out buddy! So I got him out of my seat and we sat down it was so hot so I decide to get us lemonade and some popcorn. Talk about high prices 2 drinks and popcorn 16 bucks man I could have had a nice juicy steak for that. So finally game time Braden caught a foul ball, Aaliah got handed a foul ball by the manager and I caught a t-shirt! It was a great game a lot of fun and we enjoyed it. Chantelle fell asleep waiting for it to start we were all exhausted. Then we went to the OKC Memorial it was pretty crowded for it to be right about midnight. Then we headed home because thats all we could take! Sunday we were back at it we were going to have our celebration since the kids were gone. I enjoyed my time away but it was not nearly long enough.

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